This is Part 6 of Our Native Landscape Story.
Each of the posts in this series has showcased sections of our yard and what we've done in each section including before and after photos.
Part 1 and Part 2: Removing Impervious Surfaces
Part 3: Removing Stone Mulch
Part 4: Removing Invasive Species and Smothering Grass
Part 5: Smothering More Grass and Planting Woodland Natives
This post will highlight how we smothered our hillside and created native plantings.
Here is the before photo. |
This slope was also
smothered with paper and mulch. The line of invasive Tiger Day Lilies were removed as well as the Japanese Barberry shrubs. We planted prairie natives including prairie coreopsis, queen of the prairie,
little bluestem,
big bluestem,
pale purple coneflower,
butterfly milkweed and side oats grama.
This photo was taken in late May of 2010. |
A river birch tree was added on the far left, and we planted low growing native shrubs (
Bush Honeysuckle and
Fragrant Sumac) to grow underneath the main tree.